To Change a Lightbulb

How many VR players does it take to change a lightbulb?

If you walk in VR, you walk in real life

A core focus of To Change a Lightbulb (TCLAB) was allowing the player to move throughout the levels exclusively with physical, real world footsteps. Many VR games approach locomotion by allowing joystick movement or letting the player select a spot to teleport to. TCALB solved this problem through a rudimentary implementation of non-ecludian geometry. When the player exits a room, as soon as the player's line of sight no longer shows the previous room, they are moved to an identical hallway, where they can enter a new puzzle room. From the player's perspective, they've simply gone in a circle, but found themselves somewhere completely new.

This project was created with Unreal Engine 4, featuring art and programming support from TigerDev club members.